Saturday, July 23, 2011

The “things” we have will come and go, but the memories... will be with us forever.

SNE WOMAN (THE MAGAZINE); Speaks two trends; the importance and value of promoting local businesses, products and services and the general growing concept of living one's best life.

SNE WOMAN (THE BLOG); Touches on general issues facing women today. Like the publication, it's meant to help you come away with a renewed sense of self. To encourage you to learn something new. A tip or suggestion that makes you say... “I need to try this.”, or, “I never knew that before”. Hopefully this blog will become another tool for you to use, that will help you focus on finding the right questions, in order to make your life better, live your dream easier, and become a happier you.

My name is Pat Paolino Cruz and I am the creator here. I am a single mom with three kids and come from a loud Italian family. My kids are Italian and Hawaiian. Very cool combo if I do say so myself. I wear many hats and have created several different businesses which have kept me very connected to women. I am not a blogger or a writer, however, I thought it was important to chat directly to you. We are all different, but at the same time, are all the same. It isn't easy to do what we do. To wear all the hats we wear. There are so many topics that we can discuss here, together, that will help us along our paths. My hope is that you find something in one of the posts to comment on and share your own views. To offer your insight and personal stories that may in some way, help create clarity in another woman's life who may also be reading this blog. And, ok, here is a bit of information upfront... Sometimes I get so busy and I before you know it, another week is over. I know you can relate. Those are the times I may not be able to give you my own personally written story, however, I will give you something I believe has equal importance. A topic that helps us discuss something I really didn't know that much about to begin with, but believe it's something we can all benefit from by reading.

You know how the Seinfeld episodes were described... “The Show About Nothing.” Well, I think this blog will probably go in the same direction. There is nothing earth shattering I want to say. Nothing that will be “breaking news” for the week. Just stuff. Stuff about us. Stuff for us. Stuff to help us become better women. And I say “us” because I am in fact, a woman, with the same issues you have. Possibly In any event, it isn't easy being a woman today. Sometimes I find myself up at three in the morning (as I am now), researching, writing, responding or doing general follow up work I wasn't able to get to all day. I did take a little nap from about midnight (when Criminal Minds, my favorite show, was over) until about 2am when I woke up and thought... ugh, I forgot to...(fill in the blank). I'm sure you do the same thing. It's not that I was busy all day long, working 24/7. It's that, I have kids. It's summer and they are home with me. I have a home office which makes it easy for me to work on my own schedule. It may be the middle of the night, but it allows me to sit and hang out with my kids, take them to the beach on a hot day or just enjoy a movie together before they go to bed. I don't remember my parents spending much time with me when I was a kid. They were busy, they worked a lot. I don't want my kids to have “un-fun” memories. I enjoy being the “go to the beach mom”, or the “go camping (yes, in a tent) mom”, or the “let's go to the fireworks tonight mom”.

I know it's hard because we all have so many responsibilities.... Chef, maid, worker, bank, taxi service, mother, daughter, caretaker, teacher, activities specialist. Sometimes I slack off. I know I am completely at fault when it comes to putting off work to spend a little time with my kids. I know. Terrible thing to do when you have your own business but you know, I decided a long time ago that I didn't want to punch a clock. I wanted to be accessible for my kids and be a little more of a free spirit if I could. If I have to choose what's most important to me, it's to let my kids remember fun times. Like any kids, they will probably still think I worked too much and I do work a lot, however, I want them to also remember that I wasn't afraid to get dirty. To sleep on the ground in a sleeping bag with them or to take off on a moment's notice for a quick picnic in the middle of the day. I know lots of women don't have the luxury of taking off in the middle of the day to do something special possibly by themselves (a long pedicure, an hour in the park with a blanket and a book), with friends, a spouse or with their kids, however, nights and weekends count and no matter what time you do have, you need to make the best of it. If you want to do it, you will find the time. In the end, no matter what you do in life, you learn that people and the moments are all that matter. Do what you can, to make them good ones.

Ok, I see already that I wrote about nothing. Actually, I wanted to just spill a bit of what was on my mind and give you a bit of the way I am. Maybe you've gotten the gist of the way I am in previous posts but for some reason, I felt like I wanted to start from scratch and take you from this point on. Maybe it's because I am getting ready to go to press with the next issue of the magazine and it's like a new beginning all over again. What ever it is, I hope that you stay with us and take some time once in awhile to write a few comments down yourself about what's going on in your life and what you would like to chat about. It really is all about us... women... the glue that holds everyone around us together.... and we do it with four bones that we women sport so fabulously... Our Funny bone, our backbone, our cheekbones and most importantly our wishbone...

Choose your priorities carefully... Wishing you happiness in your day!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Finding Myself Some Quiet Time

"I consider myself a pretty social person, but I’ll admit I need my “alone” time – those periodic hours away from everyone and everything when I can concentrate on my own thoughts."

If you're like me you are always running in a million different directions and sometimes getting a bit overwhelmed. I have three kids, am a single mom and work on several business projects at once. Each day, I do what I can to stay motivated, optimistic, try to keep positive energy around me and also find alone time to renew my thoughts with some nurturing solitude. Researchers suggest that alone time—not loneliness, but intentional solitude—is a crucial resource that too many of us are missing.

We are constantly surrounded by people (business, social, friends, family, children) and if you think about it, even the time we spend online communicating via email, direct messages, IM, updating statuses or commenting on posts. We live totally accessible with constant online conversation. Staying connected at all times is the addiction of the 21st century, so, instead of taking time to find a quiet oasis; to reflect and renew ourselves, we are filling up whatever spare time we have with noise, facebook and twitter.

I found that grabbing some time for myself and a bit of seclusion, even if just for an hour is extremely effective in helping me get back on track when the mound of things on my desk is towering or my "to do" list has three pages. I'm not always great about finding alone time but I am learning to be better and I thought I would share a few ways, that you can set aside more quiet time for yourself:

...Decide to work offline. Unplug the cables to prevent temptation of checking emails or facebook messages. The time you save from wasteful internet usage will be more time you have available for very special things you really want to do.

...Close the door when you are working or if you can do it, go to the library so you can concentrate on work without distractions. Your phone will be off and you will be amazed how quickly you get through what you need to do without the "tools of technology" in your hands.

...Wake up earlier and just sit. It's summertime. Grab a chair and a cup of coffee or some fresh fruit and take 15 minutes to sit outside and enjoy the sounds of the morning. Use the time to process your thoughts so that you can focus better during the day.

...Set Aside Interaction Time. It’s better to toggle between meditative solitude and complete social engagement than to be constantly half-engaged, half-detached. Set aside time to completely focus on family or friends.

...Drive time noise... I love listening to music, however,silence can be better for focusing your thoughts. Turning off the news, cd or radio for a few minutes during your commute can give you a chance to think.

...Home and no electronics time! Television and the internet can be a substitution for social life. How many hours do you spend in front of the tube each week? Turn off the television when you are alone and use that time for "you". Take a bubble bath, give yourself a pedicure or if you want a little company, read a book to your daughter or son instead of watching the same rerun for the fourth time. That time will certainly lead you to more productive and better reflective time.

...Before bed, take a few minutes to sit and focus on your breathing. Shift all your awareness into your breathing, the muscles in your body or the various sensations around you while you sit in silence and feel the air flow in and out of your lungs. Sometimes I use it to visualize taking in good energy with the new breaths I take, and exhaling stale or negative energy that has been inside me that day.

We use alone time to process our relationships and recalibrate our sense of self. In solitude, we return to center. Solitude reminds us of what is essential to our identity. It inspires deeper deliberation and allows for a chance to take inventory and hear the messages that fill our day.

“It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.” – K.T. Jong

Friday, July 1, 2011

10 Things You Can Learn About a Guy in 3 Dates or Less

I came across this little tidbit and couldn't help sharing with you. Interesting to get a man's perspectie on this... What do you think?

10 Things You Can Learn About a Guy in 3 Dates or Less

There are no absolutes in the world, save for the whole bit about death and taxes. This is espe­cially true in the dat­ing world. Dat­ing web­sites are sup­posed to help us with this, to a degree. How­ever, peo­ple tend to fluff them­selves and fil­ter out key pieces of infor­ma­tion aka “deal break­ers.” Get­ting to know some­one is fun, but the prob­lem is that it takes time… No one wants to waste time. So I’m gonna give the ladies a lit­tle some­thin’ some­thin’ to help with fil­ter­ing out men they may not be into.

1.Messy or Clean? - There’s a dif­fer­ence between a guy who lives per­fectly pris­tine, mildly mess or OMGWTFBBQFTL is that an Opos­sum watch­ing ‘Weeds’ on your couch, with the remote!!!? If you dig some­one who is metic­u­lous and, per­haps, a bit obses­sive with clean­li­ness this guy may be for you. A mildly messy guy shows some­one who is lose, goes with the flow and is open minded. They could also be sloppy, or just a bit lazy, if not imma­ture. Some­one liv­ing in what seems like the rem­nants of Cher­nobyl is some­one that has more issues going on than just their liv­ing area. Be pre­pared and bring your gloves.

2.Traf­fic: Man, traf­fic sucks, or You piece of @#$% go @#$% your­self!!!—A man’s tem­pera­ment should be a key indi­ca­tor to the suc­cess of any rela­tion­ship you look to jump into. A guy curs­ing at and run­ning cars off the road is a sure warn­ing sign, or it should be. Maybe you like guys with anger man­age­ment issues… It’s pos­si­ble to be too upset and too mel­low, they are extreme sides of the same coin, really. If a guy doesn’t care he’s just been cut off and put in dan­ger, then that could indi­cate that the guy doesn’t stand up for himself.

3.Pub­lic Dis­plays of Affec­tion (PDA) - As with the ‘Three Bears Story,’ there’s too much, too lit­tle and just right. Obvi­ously, it’s up to you to know which is right for you. A guy that’s hold­ing you and grop­ing you, oth­er­wise smoth­er­ing you, out in pub­lic prob­a­bly has a need to show you off, or to show that he’s got some­one and that the world needs to know about it. It’s val­i­da­tion, in some way. If the guy’s roman­tic way to end an evening is with a fist bump, then he’s prob­a­bly not sure if he’s really into you or not, or could be lack­ing confidence.

4.What Does he Order for Din­ner?—What your guy orders can be telling also. Is he a mac and cheese kind of guy. Does he avoid the hip eatery around the cor­ner? Does he run and hide at the men­tion of a late night taco truck run? Is he oth­er­wise happy with Ham­burger helper? These are not inher­ently bad things. They just serve as a gauge for you to know how open he is to dif­fer­ent things. Some­one that isn’t into exotic foods, or just try­ing new and dif­fer­ent places may be some­one not keen for try­ing too many dif­fer­ent things…

5.How Does He Pre­fer to Com­mu­ni­cate?—Does your guy send you text mes­sages all the time? Does he take the time to call? If he has to break his plans will call, email or text you? If he calls you more often than not, espe­cially when some­thing comes up, this indi­cates that he’s a bit more con­sid­er­ate and able to pony up and “be a man” when things get rough. If he’s tex­ting a lot, or email­ing, he may just not be sure if he’s com­pletely into you, or sim­ply, he may not be as mature as you’d like.

6.His Group of Friends. —The entourage that he rolls with; who do the con­sist of? Are they high school friends, nearly exclu­sively? Or is it a pretty good mix of peo­ple from var­i­ous stages of his life? If he keeps the com­pany of the peo­ple that he’s known since high school (aka for­ever) then he may have issues with trust and/or could be averse to change or step­ping out­side of his com­fort zone. This could also indi­cate a strong sense of loy­alty. If his cir­cle of friends has a large vari­ety then, yeah, that’s some­one who’s not afraid to mix things up and prob­a­bly open to newer expe­ri­ences and offers some­thing new more often.

7.Does He Have a Favorite Team? - Men who really enjoy sports also tend to have a com­pet­i­tive atti­tude and also tend to be pas­sion­ate. This is also some­thing that he may share with his bud­dies on a reg­u­lar basis. Not a bad thing, but watch­ing the game, espe­cially if it’s the play­offs, may trump your plans or spontaneity.

8.His Bad Habits.—Does he gam­ble? Does he flirt with the help, like the wait­ress? Does he fail to keep up on the laun­dry? Does he inter­rupt you while you’re talk­ing? Keep an eye out for some of his warn­ing signs… Maybe they’re endear­ing at first, but these lit­tle nuggets of info let you know what you’re deal­ing with and just know these things prob­a­bly aren’t going any­where. Can you deal with them?

9.What does He Spend His Money on? —If you’re look­ing for a mature guy and he spends his money on comic book char­ac­ter bust sculp­tures, main­tain­ing his ten World of War­craft monthly mem­ber­ships or updat­ing his awe­some home enter­tain­ment sys­tem then that might be an issue. A guy that knows where he’s headed plans for it, saves for it and gets there by being a respon­si­ble spender. If he’s spend­ing things on more triv­ial items that may indi­cate that he’s more of a free fun lov­ing spirit… It really depends what you are look­ing for in order to know if either way he spends his money is bad for you.

10.How Does he Talk About Mom?—Again, there are no absolutes here, but if a guy has a poor rela­tion­ship with mom, that can some­times raise a red flag. The mom is one of the most impor­tant rela­tion­ships a guy devel­ops in his life­time. If a guy has issues with his mom then it can some­times be harder for him to under­stand, respect and even trust the new gal in his life. How­ever, if he’s had issues with his mom and can say, pos­i­tively, that he’s worked them out or that he knows they need improve­ment then that is a pos­i­tive. The other side to that is the mama’s boy. The guy who can’t get enough of mom and that puts you in a com­pe­ti­tion to win atten­tion from his mom…

Do these all work every time? Sev­enty per­cent of the time they work every time. So keep that in mind when read­ing up on this list.

Alex Vasquez is the founder and Creative Director of Design at DigiSavvy, Inc (, a creative web design and social media marketing agency focusing on business branding based in Orange County, CA.

5 Simple Tips to Achieve Beautiful, Radiant, Summer Skin

Summertime is when we want our skin to glow, with radiant and flawless skin. It’s not always easy when the sun’s harmful rays are beating down on our delicate skin. Medical Aesthetician, Susan Perry, provides her expert tips to get that glow and prevent the number one cause of wrinkles, age spots, and premature aging – UV radiation.

Susan Says…

1.Check expiration dates: Check the expiration dates on your sunscreens. It’s a good idea to replace yearly and buy new ones to match to your skin type and needs. After you have thrown out the old ones, are you left with a great sunscreen that you love to use every day? Do you also have one for sport, for your body? Be sure to have the sunscreen for any occasion, on hand.

2.Best 2 in 1 product: Use a daily moisturizer that includes a full- spectrum SPF when you are indoors, near bright windows, or driving. UVA penetrates windows and damages unprotected skin. Elta MD sun care line provides a complete spectrum of sun care products, one for every skin type, and unique need.

3.Renew: Exfoliation revs up the circulation, removes dead skin cells, and gives your skin a glow. Light peels and microdermabrasion are great in office treatments. For take- home treatment, try a lovely citrus scrub for the face. Some of my favorite at-home products include Microdermabrasion Cream by Physicians Complex, BioMedic Micro Exfoliating Scrub for the Face and Body or Deep Thermal Cleanser from Societe.

4. Keep skin clear: Toners can also help clear away surface oils and grime while at the same time, they refresh, firm, and cool the skin. My favorite toners include Obagi Toner which is fresh and botanical for all skin types and Societe Conditioning Prep which tightens and brightens.

5. Protect: A typical white t- shirt gives about SPF7 and when it is wet –about SPF3. Columbia and Land’s End Sportswear offer lightweight clothing which protects up to 97.7% of harmful UV rays. These items of clothing are perfect for summer sailing or hiking.

This summer, be sun-smart and take care of your skin. Follow these five easy tips, and get skin that radiates all summer long!

About Susan Perry:
Originally from England, Susan completed her training in Applied Aesthetics and Physiatrics in London. She has been working with plastic surgeon, Dr. Donald Brown, since 1993.Together, she and Dr. Brown created one of the first medical skin care programs in the United States. Throughout her career, Susan Perry has been dedicated to continuing education and has attended many advanced training schools and seminars. She is devoted to exploring the latest, most advanced skin care techniques and products available, eagerly integrating the most effective and promising of these into the practice.