Sunday, June 6, 2010

I wanted to quickly follow up with my previous post because it became apparent to me that I is not a word that should be used in this particular blog. It's more of a "we" blog. Just like the magazine could have never been done with out the help and support of everyone expecially the ones closest to me that continued to support even though those "stop signs" came up. I personally would be remiss if I didn't take the opportunity in the first blog to say thank you to those who have been just that. An amazing support system, a true team in development and part of a this new family we are happy to call SNEWoman!

Although I am the publisher, from time to time parts of the staff will be writing the posts so that you get find a great familiarity with them and they become part of who you know is behind the publication. And now that you are reading this, we hope that you become a regular part of our "posting team" with responses and suggestions. We would love to hear from you and welcome your thoughts.


  1. As women we are always doing things for others, we take care of our children, parents, husbands, friends, and often neglect to take care of ourselves in the process. I was so excited at the idea of this magazine, a place where women can stop, read and be inspired.

  2. Thanks, I this seems to be filling a big gap where that is concerned for women. Gives us a little moment of reading time and reminds us just how important it is to take care of ourselves.
