Friday, August 20, 2010

A note to advertisers...

We are officially announcing an extended launch date for the upcoming issue of
Southern New England Woman Magazine from August to September

After putting our ear to the ground and thoroughly researching "quarterly print publication advertising statistics" we've made a decision to extend the release date of our upcoming SNEWoman issue. Our findings concluded that a September-December issue would be most beneficial for our advertisers giving them an opportunity to promote products and services during a more effective time period. At which time they could include

"Fall Sales"
"Holiday Specials"
"Bridal and Wedding Services"
"Gift Certificate Purchases"
"2011 Programs and Events"
"New Years' Resolution Programs"

Our Premiere Issue has been tremendously successful for our advertisers and has received more press from the media than ever anticipated. 20,000 copies were HAND delivered to over 750 locations including 52 Walgreens, libraries, hospitals, coffee shops, boutiques, high traffic restaurants, salons, spas, hotels, doctor and dentist offices, influential women related business offices, etc. To our delight, magazines flew off the shelves faster than imagined, and left drop off locations looking for more copies, which we happily accomodated. Most encouraging for a new publications' "FIRST" issue!

SNEWoman is taking advantage of the extra time by increasing the amount of pages as well as diving deeper into more editorial content. The pages and printing of the publication will continue to be of the highest quality.

Since we want to make our relationship with you long lasting and successful, we feel comfortable extending the deadline and wanted to inform advertisers who have already signed on to this issue as well as ones who were not able to get ads in for the original deadline. Advertising rates start at $350 for three months (full color 1/8th page) with a 3.4 readership bringing you approximately 70,000 consumers to potentially view your business advertisement!

Please let us know by September 1st if you would like to be included in the September-December issue. It is important for us to place your advertisement in the best possible location which makes sense to the category, product or service further enhancing your ROI.

Thank you for your continued support.
We would love to have you part of our SNEWoman Family!

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