Sunday, June 6, 2010

SNEWoman Magazine

Who knew that a year and a half ago when I said..."I think I will do a magazine" I would be seeing it on the counters of retail outlets and reception areas in doctor offices and spas today. It's an amazing thing that when you really put your mind to something you can make it happen no matter what stands in your way and believe me.... there are always things that stand in your way with a bit "stop sign" that say "you can't do this". Good thing I didn't listen to any of it or SNEWoman wouldn't be where it is today.

I was in Walgreens the other day and saw a few on the counter of the cosmetic department. It was a surreal feeling when the cosmetic associate said... "hey, aren't you the girl who's picture is in this magazine? This is our most popular product, we can't get enough of them here." I said "yes" but inside I said "WOW! How cool is that." This is my first shot at blogging so I hope to hear from everyone so that you can all let me know what you would like to chat about. I am up for just about everything in any topic. And, if I don't have the answers for you, well, I will just get them.... sound good?

Although this is "formally" called a blog. I think what my intention for it is to be a little chat line between, myself and you about the magazaine, topics in the magazine, etc. I got a great quote from someone and if you know me, you know that quotes are part of "me" and my personality. Just love being inspired by them and I am going to leave you with my very first ever blog posting and this quote.

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." Thornton Wilder

In other words, I hope that you are as grateful for the things in your life as I am today.Until next time. Be fabulous and would love to hear some suggestions from you about what you would like to chat about here on the SNEWoman Blog



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